- MHS Class of 1966
- Won 6 letters in wrestling and football
- All-State in Wrestling - 4 years
- Second place as a freshman (All State)
- Second place as a sophomore
- State Champion - Junior year
- State Champion - Senior year
- Regional Wrestling Champion - 4 years in a row
- Huron League Wrestling Champion -4 years in a row
- MELLUS (Newsherald) All Area Wrestling - 4 years in a row
- Trenton Tournament Wrestling Champion - 4 years in a row
- Captain - MHS Wrestling team - sophomore thru senior years
- MVW -Most Valuable Wrestler - sophomore thru senior years
- Eastern Michigan University - 3rd NAIA National Wrestling
- Coach / referee - 20 years in wrestling, football, and cross
- Newsherald Wrestling Coach of the Year - 1981
- Michigan Regional Wrestling Coach of the Year - 1985
- Ran in 5 marathons - including the New York Marathon
- Educator-Teacher/ Projects Co-ordinator/Principal/ Assistant Principal/
Career and Technical Education Director - 28 years
- Current - Assistant Principal and Career Technology Director at
Southgate Anderson High School
Family: Wife - Karen (Schott) - MHS Class of 69; Daughter Carly
- Eastern Michigan University graduate, married to Greg Lundgren; Daughter Kelly
- Woodhaven High School - June 2004 graduate; brother - Gary Miele - MHS 1962